
Thursday, June 24, 2021


Goal: Select from a wide range of genre when reading independently

This week in reading we had to state our thoughts on some kiwi kids news articles. I found some very interesting articles that just blew my mind away.

My first thoughts on this were... why? This article says that the KFConsole would have a built in chicken warmer. Why? Are humanity really this lazy?

Five people involved in a robbery of lady gaga's dogs. It's kind of funny. Yes french bulldogs are worth quite a bit, but it seems like quite an elaborate heist just for a couple dog's. 

Really? Would you be that desperate as to sell your house for as little as $1? The article says that the couple had lost $400,00 on earthquake repairs. I guess it makes sense, but $1?

What are your thoughts on these articles?



Level 4 - Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references.

This week in maths we did coordinates. our task was to create our own map of New Zealand with grid references. 

Here is my product:

Try and solve my problems!

Friday, June 11, 2021

Reading Term 2 Week 6

This week in reading we had to create a character web that displayed most of the main protagonists of a book. We all issued a book from the library, and went from that. I issued Amulet 3. Here is my product: